How to synchronize the asynchronous within a GenServer


Since Elixir’s processes communicate via message-passing, most communication happens asynchronously.

Sometimes we want to synchronize operations. How can we do that?

The basic way to do that is to send a message and immediately wait for a reply (in a receive block). But what can we do when we’re using a GenServer? In those cases, we shouldn’t use a receive block – we rely on handle_info/2 instead.

Setting the stage

Suppose you have an asynchronous process that your app uses. In this case, let’s pretend it’s a websocket library. Here’s a sample code that acts asynchronously (but it’s most definitely not a websocket 😃):

defmodule WebSocket do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(caller) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, caller)

  def send_message(pid, msg) do
    GenServer.cast(pid, {:send_message, msg})

  def init(caller) do
    {:ok, %{caller: caller}}

  def handle_cast({:send_message, msg}, state) do
    response = "#{msg} to you too!"
    send(state.caller, {:message_received, response})
    {:noreply, state}

Now, suppose your application wraps that service with a GenServer to manage the connection. Let’s say this is your GenServer (which I call Coordinator due to lack of creativity):

defmodule Coordinator do
  use GenServer

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts)

  def greet(pid, msg) do, {:greet, msg})

  def init(_opts) do
    {:ok, pid} = WebSocket.start_link(self())
    {:ok, %{async_pid: pid}}

  def handle_call({:greet, msg}, from, state) do
    :ok = WebSocket.send_message(state.async_pid, msg)
    {:reply, :ok, state}

  def handle_info({:message_received, msg}, state) do
    # How do we send the message to the caller?
    {:noreply, state}

Our goal

What we want is for the rest of our code to be able to use the Coordinator.greet/2 function in a way that seems synchronous.

This is our desired usage:

response = Coordiantor.greet(pid, "Hello world")
# => "Hello world to you too!"

The problem

Currently, our Coordinator.greet/2 function just returns :ok. And later (in an async fashion), our handle_info/2 callback gets called with the websocket response. At that point, we’ve already replied to the caller of greet/2.

So, how can we make our GenServer’s API seem synchronous?

The solution

Enter GenServer.reply/2.

We can store the from value from our handle_call/3 callback in our state, and change our reply tuple from a :reply 3-tuple, to a :noreply 2-tuple.

defmodule Coordinator do
  # other code

  def handle_call({:greet, msg}, from, state) do
    :ok = WebSocket.send_message(state.async_pid, msg)
    {:noreply, Map.put(state, :caller, from)}

Then, in our handle_info/2 callback, when we receive the response message, we can reply to the caller with GenServer.reply/2:

defmodule Coordinator do
  # other code

  def handle_call({:greet, msg}, from, state) do
    :ok = WebSocket.send_message(state.async_pid, msg)
    {:noreply, Map.put(state, :caller, from)}

  def handle_info({:message_received, msg}, state) do
    GenServer.reply(state.caller, msg)
    {:noreply, state}

Now, the caller of Coordinator.greet/2 will receive the response message as the return value of greet/2 (like a regular function call), and it knows nothing (nor should it care) about the asynchronous process required to send the message and receive the response.

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