Elixir and Phoenix tips

Log output with colors!

Sometimes when you look at debug statements, it's hard to see where your `Logger.debug/1` statement is printing out. There's too much info! Well, one little trick I use sometimes is to give it some color!

Tests as docs? πŸ€”

Tests can serve as documentation. But the default `mix test` command doesn't print them out in a way that has clear information. Thankfully, there are two flags that can make it really nice.

How is `:page_title` updated?

You probably know that the `:page_title` assign is special in Phoenix -- it is the only dynamic assign in a layout. I always wondered: how does it work? How do they make it special? So, I did a bit of code spelunking. 🀿

Strong Arrows

Elixir might add types through gradual typing. But that comes with some challenges. Check out Elixir's new way of handling some of those gradual typing challenges with strong arrows.

Phoenix forms without changesets!

Typically, we back Phoenix forms with an Ecto changeset. But sometimes, I prefer having more separation between the UI and the changeset that stores data in the database. Check out how we can use the new `to_form/2` helper to do just that.

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