⚡️ Stream Server Logs to Console!
If you recently upgraded to phoenix_live_reload 1.5 without looking at the changelog you may have missed an awesome update.
If you recently upgraded to phoenix_live_reload 1.5 without looking at the changelog you may have missed an awesome update.
When running tests we sometimes want to know which functions are being executed. But it's a pain to write custom dbg statements. How can we print the name of the function without having to know it?
An awesome Phoenix LiveView Helper that lets us see how our LiveView responds when our users are not sitting close to our servers. 🔥
Phoenix LiveView comes with so many helpers to improve the developer experience. One of those is liveSocket.enableDebug()
I love how easy it is to do code spelunking 🤿 in Elixir projects!
People asked me in previous videos, what about dbg/2 with iex? Spoiler alert — also awesome! ⚡️
TIL about the `:printable_limit` option for `dbg/2` and `IO.inspect/2`.
Elixir 1.14 introduced `dbg`, a debugging helper that is much more powerful than `IO.inspect` but equally easy to use!